Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sears--Taxonomy--Not Safe for Work

Screenshots from, showing unauthorized headings. The first one could be placeholder text, but the second one suggests to me someone is being let go and is taking out on the subject headings...

Click to see a larger image, and check out the breadcrumb trail.

Update: It was apparently done by changing the URL, which includes the category. A good tech lesson their. But I couldn't get it to work. Maybe it still works for the second one because it's cached.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Glowy magic, wolves and damsels in distress

Sci-fi/fantasy publisher Orbit has compiled a chart of 2008 Fantasy Cover Elements, charting the prevalence of unicorns and swords, elves and "glowy magic" (a big winner).

I'm disappointed in the minimalist "damsels in distress." As a boy with a good collection of Conan novels, I feel that fantasy covers are all about occasions to show impossibly good-looking women in clothing of dubious practicality. I'm betting, if tallied, chainmail brassieres might well beat out glowy magic.
