Sunday, May 14, 2006

Welcome to Thing-ology

That's right, LibraryThing is now a two-blog town. The main LibraryThing blog will continue to focus on features and announcements and exciting new things like that, and over here we'll get to go deeper into some of the bigger and more theoretical issues that LibraryThing raises.

So. This is the place where we'll talk about the meanings, methods, and debate around LibraryThing and its features. I expect there to be discussion of Web 2.0, Library 2.0, social software, FRBR and LT's "works" system, folksonomies and taxonomies, and much much more. Information Science! Philosophy! Controversy! To the library world and beyond, people!

To get started, I'm putting together a blogroll and looking for suggestions. Who else should I be following?


Blogger Abby said...

A PhD in Thing-ology correspondence school! Perfect.

5/14/2006 10:04 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

Abby: We could charge for it!

5/14/2006 10:06 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

Ah, ontology. The non-philosophical use of the term is something that always irks me. I guess it's really achieved a separate meaning, however, and isn't just ignorance. The same can't be said for the use of "philosophy" for "methodology," something I deplore but, if you look around, also give in to...

An "XML startup"? That's like founding a pens and pencils startup. Successful firms use them well, therefore...

Hmmm. Do I know anyone in authority at the ALA? Oh, damn.

5/15/2006 12:57 AM  
Blogger Sukhdev Singh said...

I would be following it.

5/15/2006 7:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's a "blogroll"?

5/15/2006 9:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a great idea, but pardon me for pointing out that it would work much better in a discussion forum format. A blog really doesn't lend itself to back and forth debate.

5/15/2006 8:38 PM  
Blogger lucy tartan said...

This new blog looks like you might consider for the blogroll is creativity/machine - a researcher working on folksonomy and technology related creativity from a cultural studies perspective.

5/18/2006 7:29 PM  
Blogger Naveen said...

rank books by ratings not just number of people tagged by when searching

5/21/2006 12:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogroll: Catalogablog is a must read.


5/21/2006 6:38 PM  
Blogger Abby said...

lucy tartan - thanks for the tip, I'm checking it out now...

Jonathan - Catalogablog, absolutely! I think it's already on there, actually.

5/22/2006 10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suggest Library clips for the blogroll.

6/04/2006 9:29 PM  
Blogger Karla said...

Any plans to do some sort of linkage (maybe an export/import) with bibliographic software? Lots of us use Endnote, Procite, or Ibidem, which satisfy most needs but don't partake of the community aspect that Library Thing offers. I can't imagine anyone would want to double-enter a whole library.

Since bibliographic software takes care of much more than just books one owns, I suppose the user would have to identify everything that belonged in the upload-to-Library Thing group, otherwise library books, journal articles, and Web pages would get thrown into the mix.

6/18/2006 4:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering if it would be possible to add a section for users to list books they would like to read/purchase in the future. It would be very helpful to me to keep track of all the good books I'm discovering here!

6/28/2006 12:32 AM  
Blogger Charlie said...

This may be obvious, but I'm still trying to figure out the difference between a "work" and a "book." How can I share 22 works and 26 books with another user?

8/10/2006 10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Very impressive.

2/17/2007 4:10 PM  

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